Friday, December 3, 2010

#11 Termination of one-sided paper usage:

Examples of two sided paper use. 3 Dec. 2010.
Personal photograph by author.  
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Examples of two sided paper use. 3 Dec. 2010. 
Personal photograph by author.




            I have many different characteristics that essentially make up who I am today. Organization is one of the many characteristics I have that help me stay on top of my schoolwork and note taking abilities. At times, I’ve caught my hand drifting off onto a fresh new page to continue another note. I would have never realized the number of pages being wasted, until I sifted through my study notes—as review for the next upcoming quiz.
            Writing on the back of paper is such a simple and efficient way to help save the environment, but lets face it, not every one thinks and acts alike. While some people decide to recycle paper products, others choose to throw it away as junk, where this paper then become pollution to the larger population and wildlife that lives amongst it. Paper is a great part of many people’s lives, whether that be at school or work, or used for personal information, letter writing and many other important things people need. The issue not being recognized is that most of the paper being used, usually holds one purpose and sometimes only covers half of a page, let alone the back—completely blank. (Wasted space and paper)

From a student’s perspective, I would have to admit that too many assignments consisting of 3-4 pages get handed in with only the front page printed on. This surprisingly should be the least of our worries, considering businesses and corporations from all over the world are another prime example of wasted space and paper. My eyes adjust to many piles of papers that swarm my managers desk consisting of blank pages, rough copied papers, letters, notes and other work materials to be signed off and handed out. Most of which hold significant value. Handwriting on the other hand, comes smoother, by remembering to flip over the current page and continuing your note on the back.

            There are plenty of ways to avoid this wasteful persona. The number one, most simple way: to remember to flip the page over and continue writing. But another way that may take some time and patience learning is how print or copy information on each side of your paper. In an article I read underlines how exactly one should go about towards setting their printer and computer to use the feature “double sided printing”. This allows you to print or photocopy any work, so that each page can potentially save a single sheet of paper. 

             Another article I read, underlining this topic, stresses the issue of paper waste that essentially ends up in our landfills. It is recorded that 36% of waste that is washed up in our landfill is paper or paper products. This is a substantially large number that comprises pollution in our environment. On average, 4 million tons of paper is disposed of yearly, making up approximately 68 000 000 trees that have been eliminated from our precious environment.


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Examples of two sided paper use. 3 Dec. 2010. 
Personal photograph by author.

Examples of two sided paper use. 3 Dec. 2010. 
Personal photograph by author.

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