Monday, November 8, 2010

#3 Termination of turning off any un-used lights: (Sunday, November 7th, 2010)






            Running late; probably the most annoying part about my day, but quite often something that I find myself doing almost everywhere I go. Running late can ultimately lead to forgetting some of the most important things that need to be done before leaving your home. Some people interpret the word “important” differently then others. For instance television being more important then family time or junk food being more important then dinner (this is not my definition of important). In many cases people ignore the fact that leaving candles on can perhaps start a fire and keeping lights on in the house, takes up a lot of energy and money. When the light is not in use, it is only common sense to turn it off.

Since our lives are very busy with many people to see and places to go, sometimes I myself, forget the lights are even on, and with out noticing, jolt out the door. With out a doubt, I will receive a text message or call from my mom, who gets of work only an hour before me, to remind me that I left the lights on again. “Trina, again you forgot to turn off your bedroom light.” “Trina the bathroom light was left on again, just please remember to turn the lights off.” And of course I reply saying “I’m sorry mom, I was just in a rush to get to school, I couldn’t be late for first period again!” I mean, YES I forget things sometimes…I’m only human.

'Only' human or not, I have decided to reduce Trina's Eco-footprint. To regulate this green change, I must ensure to take an extra minute to look around the house and turn off any un-used lights, this way I can conserve energy more efficiently.

An article I found introduces two main sources of lighting: incandescent light bulbs and florescent light bulbs. All light bulbs have an operating life (length), which is determined on the amount of times the light bulb is turned off and on. You should always turn off lights when they are not in use, unless you are returning to that room in less then 15 minutes. If you are planning on going out of the room any longer then 15 minutes then lights should most definitely be turned off.  
           The same article states that incandescent light bulbs are inexpensive but less effective—15%-10% of electricity is producing light while the other 85%-90% is distributing heat. And though florescent lighting costs are higher, they save energy and more importantly they are more efficient as far as operating life. Turning off florescent lights will also prolong the life of the bulb and in turn will lower costs as a result. For example, if you leave a 60watt light bulb on for one hour you will consume 0.06kWh. and if you have a 60watt light bulb off for an hour you are potentially saving 0.06kWh.
            In another website, I read many different examples and tips on ways to save energy, I came across a very useful statistic stating: one 100watt light bulb supplies the same amount of energy as two 60watt bulbs put together. Energy saving bulbs (florescent bulbs) save up to 75% more energy then your regular incandescent bulb. 
           You can do many things in order to stay green, all the while lighting up your home. Devices such as timers, motion sensors or dimmers have a huge impact on energy savings. All of these will help you save energy even if you forget to turn off the light every once in a while. After installing a motion sensor things such as forgetting to turn off the lights and running out the door will no longer be a problem. But for me, the old fashion way works the best; your brain can do many things…once you put it to work. Let me tell you I am looking forward to the text free days—not getting nagged to do something I should be remembering daily.

            I also included a video, which allows you to visualize and understand the prices of electricity, and how you can save energy while you are not in the room. Again products such as motion sensors  are applicable in this video. Tim Gibson explains how much energy is consumed through different light bulbs such as, incandescent and energy saving (florescent light bulbs). Again this professional includes alternative ways to stay greener and cheaper, and to overall help the environment last longer.

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