Tuesday, November 23, 2010

#8 Termination of unplugging unused appliances:


Energy and electricity; together they both help us human beings get through our busy lives. They provide us with countless gadgets that we feel we cannot live without. Some of these gadgets are needed throughout the day while others are just a constant want. Appliances such as lights; help us to see when it’s dark, heat; which provides us with warmth when the weather is cold, and electricity to make cooking and cleaning much easier. Appliances such as hair blow dryers, or hair straighteners help us dry and style our hair, or laptop and phone chargers that allow humans the privilege of entertainment and communication.

What some people fail to recognize is that many of the worlds population takes these privileges for granted; that is to say when these appliances are not in use, and still plugged in the outlet, energy and electricity is essentially being wasted. I mean, these electronic luxuries are here for us to use, in moderation. When people begin to abuse these privileges, our environment suffers. The main question that boggles my mind as soon as I think of this sad problem worldwide is: Why are we wasting our resources for nothing?

Lets face the truth, usually in just one room—like my own, electronics fill one’s sight; from the newest flat screen television set, to video game systems, to laptops and cell phones. These items are yet sometimes forgotten when I am in a hurry to get to school and get left plugged into my electrical outlets, all the while using up power. It never truly struck my mind on how much energy and money is being wasted each day from this simple task of removing un-used appliances. Resulting to the Trina’s termination of un-plugging non-used appliances.

On a website I found during my research stated that all electric devices slowly are drawing electricity all the time, while being plugged in. Even though this amount is only small and very minimal, it can still lead to bigger amount such as millions of house appliances being unused. The power that is essentially wasted is also known as standby power. This site also gives some tips on how one can help save energy waste and money in their household. The very first thing you could try would be to unplug all appliances when not in use, or the highest consumers of energy. If you find this does not work for you and that maybe unplugging all devices is not practical, then investing in smart power sticks may be a good investment in your home. This device monitors the electricity usage of that particular outlet. When the appliances have not been used for a period of time then this power stick will automatically shut the outlet off—preventing energy or electricity from escaping and becoming wasteful. 
   In a video on vampire energy also known as standby power, many statistics are explored and many unknown facts surface. It was estimated that households use up to 100 dollars per year on wasted power. Stephanie the lead researcher also explains ways to prevent this problem and introduces energy saving devices, which can help households from potentially wasting money and energy. Products that have the energy star printed on them are also great ways towards helping save on our resources.

<< One way to help a household save on energy and money, also known as the Smart Power Strip.

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